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  Organization of Data Files:
    A Hypertext Database is made up of data files. Each data file contains
    text. In order that the right text be found in a timely manner, we must
    use commands that identify text as a certain type. The two basic types
    of text are short entries and long entries. The first level is made up
    of short entries. Text is declared as a short entry with the command
    !short:. Each short entry cannot exceed one line of text. The second
    type of text within a database is the long entry. There is no command
    that specifies text as a long entry, it is simply a block of text that
    is positioned between two short entries. Each long entry can be up to
    65,536 characters.

    Press the Gray + key to proceed to the next topic (long entry).


See Also: Creating Your Own Hypertext Database - An Overview. !Short: Short Entries (A list of one line descriptions). Long Entries. (Detailed text under short entries). Related Topics (also known as !seealso: cross referencing). Compiling (Preparing the text file for linking). Creating the Menu Link Control File. Adding Another Menu. Linking (Combines all compiled files into the final Database). What We Have Covered So Far. !File: Pointing to Another File.
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